- Hosting Price Chart
- White IP
- Carrier diversity
- Money Back Guarantee
- Software We Use
- Unlimited Traffic
- Backups
- Monitoring
- High Availability
- Do you require to sign a contract for hosting ?
- Billing And Account Settings
- Testing connectivity to Xentime Datacenter
- Moving website to Xentime datacenter
- Do you provide support in other languages ?
- Do you offer IPKVM ( Keyboard Video Mouse ) device for dedicated servers ?
- How many IPv4 can I get ?
- How do I make a payment ?
- Can I do email in your network ?
- Can I change servers ?
- Payment Methods
High Availability
28 July, 2015Xentime guarantees availability at least 99.99%. It became possible after years of improvements.
We had to change uplinks and technologies several times and finally reached the most stable configuration.But any system, created by human has at least one flaw. For example, no matter how good your hardware, you can be exposed to denial of service attacks. In such cases Xentime communicate with uplinks in timely manner to block zombie IP addresses. This way we manage not only to mitigate DDoS attack, but also to cause damage to botnets.
Another example is Spamhaus issue. Spamhaus find small or middle-sized hosters and try to extort money. If you resist or they simply do not like you, they threaten your uplink. Some of ISPs find it acceptable to disconnect you. When it happened to us, we had to move several customers to new IP addresses, which caused downtime.
Then we had routing issue recently. It was caused by upgrade of core routers. We receive notifications on planned maintenance work and send them to our customers to avoid surprises.
We minimized risk of all other issues since we moved to Tier 3 datacenter.
Now Xentime provides very reliable hosting services with a good uptime.